sustainability – Esirom Foundation Generating opportunities around sustainability Mon, 26 Aug 2024 21:16:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sustainability – Esirom Foundation 32 32 10 Ways the Ocean Sustains Us (and How We Can Protect It) Tue, 21 May 2024 17:10:23 +0000 In our oceans, when marine life is removed faster than they can reproduce and sustain the ecosystem this is overexploitation in simple terms. When we rely on resources like our ocean to sustain us, how do we not consider ocean conservation as a rule?

Lamya Essemlali, the president of Sea Shepherd France and an ocean activist shared some eye-opening perspectives in her talk about “Preserving and Protecting Our Oceans”. The key takeaways from ChangeNOW 2024 in Paris, France will be explored below.

Let’s review what Sea Shepherd does to conserve and protect the ocean, ten (10) ways the ocean sustains life and what humankind does to destroy it. You will learn more about how we can protect marine life and make a difference through volunteerism and service.

Who is Sea Shepherd France?

Sea Shepherd is a movement about protecting and conserving the oceans and all marine wildlife worldwide. They work to defend and enforce international conservation laws that are often disregarded. As quoted by Paul Watson, “If the ocean dies, we all die. Today, we may be considered extremists by some, but for future generations, we will be good ancestors”.

10 ways the ocean sustains life

  1. Produces Oxygen
  2. First Climate Regulation Machine
  3. Largest Carbon Sink
  4. Energy Source
  5. Medicine Source
  6. Food Source
  7. Provides jobs and livelihood
  8. Habitat for Marine Species
  9. Source of Recreation
  10. Economic & Trade Connections

The ocean covers 70% of the planet and provides 50% of the earth’s oxygen. The survival of humankind depends on the regulation of the ocean’s ecosystem. However, various human activities continue to contribute significantly to its destruction.

How are humankind destroying the oceans?

  1. Overfishing
  2. Destruction of Coral reefs
  3. Marine Pollution
  4. Urbanization
  5. Climate change
  6. Unsustainable Practices

About 80% of all debris found in the ocean is plastics.

We are all connected to the Ocean

Human choices directly influence the health of our ocean, from as small as improper waste disposal and consumerism to as large as industrial level activities. Since the ocean is downstream from everywhere, coming from anywhere, it needs protection.

Lamya spoke about trigger thinking. Trigger thoughts are those that cause emotional pain and allow us to perceive threats in our environment. This internal trigger must come from within an individual towards the reality of the ocean. She also mentioned that the reaction of persons tends to be one of fear, seeing the tasks ahead as scary, overwhelming and hopeless. However, she highlighted that there are tools to action that stems from the question, “What can you do?”

What can you do?

According to Lamya, the best person that can answer that question is you. In fact, you are the best person to answer that question. How can you use your service for a greater cause? She added that, “You must put your everyday life in harmony with what you feel”, “Do what brings you satisfaction”, “Money should not be a hindrance… raise funds” and last but not least, “Reconnecting people with nature… the ocean”.

This response had a moving effect, especially concerning the reconnecting with nature and the ocean part of it. Humans have lost touch with nature, so the decisions made daily are often out of touch with the consequences those actions have on the environment. The best solution is to reconnect with nature, reconnect with the ocean and make changes that do not bring harm to the ocean’s ecosystem.

Suggestions of things you can do:

  1. Reduce your plastic footprint
  2. Get involved in a worth cause
  3. Make a donation or support a worthy cause
  4. Plant seeds of change in people’s heart

Connect to an Ocean today

We should not justify the activities that destroy our oceans, but rather to justify why we must change our habits. By reconnecting with nature, we can answer the question, what can I do to help? What changes can I make ? How can I spread the word?

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ESIROM, Seprod partner to promote upcycling via edutainment game Tue, 07 May 2024 14:43:31 +0000 According to the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), Jamaica produces an average of 8,657 tonnes of solid waste daily.

The Alex Morrissey-led ESIROM Foundation decided to act by collaborating with Seprod to promote upcycling.

Through this partnership, the charitable environmental advocacy arm of the digital marketing agency is set to introduce an exciting new initiative to promote recycling and sustainability in efforts to alleviate much of the waste on the island.

Another feature of the partnership is both entities harness the power of innovation to address environmental concerns while engaging and educating children in a fun and interactive manner.

The key ingredient to this initiative is the creation of an edutainment game crafted from repurposed tetra packs – the containers for drinks by Seprod’s renowned brands, such as Eve’s Almond Milk, Serge Island Dairy, and Monster Milk – and recycled wood.

Khalia Hall

ESIROM Foundation Sustainability Manager Khalia Hall

Under the leadership of Khalia Hall, sustainability manager at ESIROM Foundation, the team innovated a new twist on the classic Tic Tac Toe game.

This unique version involves throwing ping pong balls into strategically placed holes on a wooden frame. The objective remains the same as the traditional Tic Tac Toe: achieve three balls in a row to win.

This game will provide users with a hands-on opportunity to play with recycled materials while they learn about the importance of recycling and environmental support.

The Tic Tac Toe-inspired ‘board game’ by the ESIROM Foundation team. (Photos: Contributed)According to Eve Brand Manager Daynah Parchment, the collaboration highlights Seprod’s commitment to supporting upcycling efforts in the country.

Stating that ‘…[they] are passionate about contributing to sustainable initiatives and want to do more’.

‘Partnering with ESIROM to create this innovative edutainment game aligns perfectly with our mission to impact the environment positively.’

ESIROM Foundation’s Sustainability Manager Khalia Hall, detailed the game’s educational aspect, stating that the ‘goal is to educate consumers on the importance of upcycling in a fun and engaging way.’ 

‘By creating this game, we aim to instill a sense of environmental responsibility and inspire future generations to take action.’

After creating the game, Seprod plans to donate it to the Edward Seaga Primary (formerly Denham Town Primary), with the hopes that this will encourage children to learn about recycling, more in a creative fun way.

The collaboration between ESIROM and Seprod is a combined commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. By leveraging creativity and cooperation, they pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future.

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Netflix for the Planet: The WaterBear Streaming Platform Thu, 18 Apr 2024 22:16:52 +0000 Media plays a crucial role in shaping environmental awareness and inspiring action. Streaming platforms have become powerful tools for spreading knowledge and advocating for change. WaterBear, launched in 2020, is a unique platform unlike any other. It’s a “Netflix for the Planet” offering free, award-winning documentaries and films focused on environmental and humanitarian issues.

Inspiring Stories, Empowering Action

WaterBear goes beyond entertainment. Their tagline, “watch, connect, and take action,” reflects their mission to bridge the gap between awareness and action. By signing up for free, viewers can:

  • Explore a wide range of inspiring content: Discover documentaries and films that will educate, motivate, and spark environmental consciousness.
  • Support NGOs and partners: WaterBear collaborates with over 80 NGOs. Viewers can directly support these organizations through volunteering, donations, or signing petitions.
  • Take action in various ways: Spread awareness by sharing videos, discover sustainable products and travel options, or get involved with environmental causes – all with a simple click.

Sustainability Behind the Scenes

WaterBear’s commitment to the environment extends beyond the content they offer. They strive for sustainability in all aspects of their operations:

  • Albert Certification: They’re working towards Albert Certification, a prestigious standard for reducing the environmental impact of film production.
  • Internal Sustainability Practices: WaterBear implements sustainable practices in areas like travel, energy use, recycling, and waste reduction.
  • Sustainable Streaming: They utilize Vimeo’s streaming services, which leverage Akamai Technologies’ commitment to renewable energy and emission reduction.

WaterBear: Making a Difference

WaterBear has demonstrably impacted the streaming industry. They create positive change through powerful storytelling that compels viewers around the world to connect with nature and take action for a sustainable future. By combining exceptional content with actionable steps, WaterBear empowers individuals to become active participants in protecting our planet.

Join the movement and explore WaterBear today!

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Putting a Price Tag on Nature: How Endangered Wildlife OÜ Values Biodiversity Thu, 18 Apr 2024 22:00:33 +0000 In today’s world, where financial considerations heavily influence our actions, expressing the true value of biodiversity can be challenging. As a conservation scientist, I believe every species has an intrinsic right to exist. However, biodiversity loss is accelerating due to human actions. What if we could determine a species’ worth in economic terms? This is where Endangered Wildlife OÜ comes in.

The Problem: Disconnected Decisions

Our relationship with nature has deteriorated, as evidenced by climate change and biodiversity loss. This disconnect makes it difficult to understand the true impact of biodiversity loss.

The Solution: Endangered Wildlife OÜ

Shana Vida Gavron, founder of the award-winning Endangered Wildlife OÜ, saw the need to assign economic value to wild species, treating them as economic citizens alongside humans. Launched in 2005, her software bridges the gap between conservation efforts and financial decision-making.

How it Works: Assigning Value to Biodiversity

Endangered Wildlife OÜ’s software analyzes credible environmental and economic data to determine a species’ total conservation value. This value considers factors like:

Carbon Value: The ability of a species or ecosystem to store carbon dioxide.

Aesthetic Value: The beauty and recreational value of nature.

Species Existence Value: The inherent right of a species to exist.

Impact Value: The positive or negative ecological impact of a species.

Economic Values: The economic benefits provided by a species (e.g., fisheries, tourism).

For example, the software can determine the value of an endangered mangrove habitat, considering its role in carbon sequestration, coastal protection, and fisheries. This empowers businesses to:

Measure their Environmental Footprint: Companies can assess the impact of their operations on biodiversity.

Develop Sustainable Strategies: Businesses can integrate biodiversity considerations into their decision-making processes.

Evaluate Biodiversity Investments: Investors can assess the potential financial benefits of biodiversity conservation projects.

Bridging the Disconnect

The current biodiversity crisis directly affects human well-being. Endangered Wildlife OÜ’s software bridges the disconnect between nature and finance, allowing us to incorporate biodiversity into daily lives, corporate decision-making, and investment activities.

By putting a price tag on nature, Endangered Wildlife OÜ offers a powerful tool for protecting our planet’s precious biodiversity.

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